
Car Immobilisers
The main aim of an immobiliser is to stop the vehicle being driven away by thieves. They are designed to supplement a car alarm or other vehicle security device. If you have a low risk vehicle then they can be used on their own.
In conjunction with Pandora Alarms and Autowatch UK, Enhance supply and fit a comprehensive range of immobilisers to help keep any vehicle safe. We always use Thatcham Approved Immobilisers which intercept a minimum of two circuits to prevent a vehicle from being started without the correct key.
Since 1998 it’s been compulsory for cars to be manufactured with an immobiliser. Your vehicle handbook should tell you if an immobiliser is installed. In this case it would be a factory fitted immobiliser as it was fitted at time of manufacture.
Car Security
Insurance & Immobilisers
Car insurance companies quite often offer discounts on their premiums if you have an immobiliser fitted to your vehicle.
Although an immobiliser will help to prevent a thief from stealing your vehicle without the correct key it will not stop them from taking it if they have first stolen the key. It’s very important to ensure your keys are kept in a safe place out of site from windows and doors. Most thieves are opportunists and will take what they can when they can.
It is becoming common for thieves to “hack” the vehicles code system and programme a new key to the vehicle in order to steal it. You can see an example of this happening in our video.
For a competitive insurance quote contact Howdens.