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Car Audio & Security FAQs   I want to change the stereo in my car, which one would you suggest? It depends on why you want to change the stereo and the capabilities you want to get out of the new one. E.g. do you want DAB, Aux input, mirror linking etc. It’s not always your stereo that needs to be changed, if you’re looking for better sound, sometimes adding an amplifier or upgrading speakers
Guide & Ideas to Buying In Car Entertainment With more and more families opting for a staycation instead of a holiday abroad, its no surprise that in car entertainment systems are becoming very popular. Many parents want to entertain their children on long car journeys, avoiding the continuous enquires of “are we nearly there yet?” You can see our latest article here: Rosen Rear Car TV Screens In Car Entertainment Ideas The first obvious choice
For most of us a car is the second most expensive purchase we make after a house.  Quite often the security of our vehicles can be overlooked until its too late. There are more than two million vehicle related thefts each year.  Not only is it a nuisance but it also increases your car insurance premiums for the future. The first and most obvious way to secure your car is to fit a car alarm. 
Guide to Upgrading or Buying a New Car Audio System If you’re reading this guide then hopefully you’re a car audio enthusiast, just like us, who enjoys the sound from a high quality car audio system. There are a lot of options available but by researching and educating yourself about the various upgrades you will be able to make a more informative decision when deciding which car stereo system will be best for your needs.
Our customer called because he was unhappy with the sound quality in his BMW 635d 2010.  Over a few conversations the customer was advised to firstly amplify the subs under the seats, as his subs were very underpowered.  We used a 2-channel rainbow amplifier to do this.  We also suggested adding an additional amplifier to run the four speakers in the car.  For this we used a Audison 4 Channel amplifier. At the same time